Hello, I am a 2021 graduate from the University of Virginia with a B.S. in Architecture and a minor in Architectural History. I tell global stories through design, fieldwork, research, and advocacy.
I first learned the importance of place identity from my mother, as an immigrant, kept her country of origin alive by assembling a full picture of Colombia as a place. My family’s oral history tradition gave me the tools to assemble an architectural worldview to explore through practice.
Formal architectural study, work in museums, and digital fabrication further fed my interest in the human implications of images and objects. Later as a member of a field archaeology team, I grounded people and their products in the landscapes that shape their lives and belief systems.
During my thesis year, I immersed myself in sustainable resource management and cultural landscapes in Morocco, and entered into an interfaith project to restore Toumliline Monastery (Azrou) and collect grassroots narratives about religious minorities in remote areas.

I look forward to applying my holistic approach to new projects bridging buildings, landscapes, and culture.
Thank you for visiting, and please enjoy the work.
- Ian D. MacPherson